Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Can a promo product define a movement?

Yes, I know, weird question right.  Of course not, there has to be a brand message and a campaign to spread that message dummy.

All of that is true, however I would argue that the right promotional product can bring a personal element to a movement to such an extent, that the product is the driver of the message.  People forget that promotional products have a large impression ratio - think. about walking billboards, i.e. T-shirts as a prime example of wearing your brand out.

Live Strong

Lance Armstrong created this non-profit in 1997 to support people affected by cancer.  Armstrong, a cancer survivor and professional cyclist worked with Nike in 2004 to raise money and brand awareness for cancer patients.
A simple silicone bracelet went on to sell through 80 million bracelets, and Live Strong has become synonymous with healthy living and personal strength.  The simple bracelet has gone on to raise funds for hundreds of organizations and causes - as a symbol of strength, perseverance and in my case, a reminder to Pay It Forward.


As some say, don't hate the player, hate the game.  Well, when it comes to the 45th President of the United States, that statement doesn't often hold water as he is the most controversial President in our lifetime.  That doesn't discount that he took a simple phrase, Make America Great Again in to a marketing powerhouse - all driven by a simple, red hat.  The hat quickly became an iconic promo product for Trump supporters, and the visual symbol of his entire campaign.  A simple red cap that literally was picked because it fit the President's head the best, defined his campaign and now his administration.

Your brand can be personalized by the right promotional item, let Whiteboard Promotions extend your brand's reach through branded items that define your brand.

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