Wednesday, September 18, 2019

@PromoKitchen A2 - That Alibaba is not the answer to all importing questions - it is however the place to throw money away w/o getting product.

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A1 - I was trained by hard knocks, and it's been the bane of this industry. It's difficult for small distributors to devote time away from building business to invest in it despite the many pitfalls.

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RT @SAGEQTI: Another killer #promo stat from our besties over @PPAI_HQ

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

@RedSox My all time favorite player - I've always worn #8 and still have the ticket from when he went yard for #400 in Fenway.

from Twitter

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

@scoots2112 @LouMerloni Let's be real, College Football is more entertaining and engaging than NFL. Baseball has had more of a decline in participation as it is not an action-packed game - kids get bored. Today's entertainment value is at MLS games, rabid fans, engaged crowd participation & action.

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