Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Motivation: Paying it Forward

I watched this article last week and thought that it really embodied what we as Americans really hold dear to our hearts.

This is about overcoming extreme adversity, collaborating with others to achieve goals, and maintaining the tenacity and discipline to get the job done.  But, more importantly, this is about the human spirit helping others in need.  I know how hard and humble it is to know that you need help to sustain, and how gratifying it is to see people rise to the occassion and offer a helping hand - or organ.

Folks, it is a monday and I'm sure we're all just trying to get it going this week.  I offer up this as a way for all to stop and think about paying something forward to someone - be it a small token or what Ernest did below.  We as Americans are the most charitable people in the world, and its a beautiful thing indeed when you help another soul - Pay it Forward folks, and have a great Monday.

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