Thursday, June 27, 2019

What can we do to help you promote your brand? We're all ears! Reach out to let us know about your upcoming promotional campaigns.

from Twitter

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

@SteveWoodburn Dope, it's here to stay. Now brands will start taking on this as a cobranding opportunity to connect with younger users.

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A1: I tell people I help extend a brand's story through promotional apparel and swag (yes I do use that word, don't judge), that what we provide are #brandxtenders that help personalize their brand/event/product.

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen Q2 - you get to play with toys, how bad can it be? I mean, at the end of the day, it's all we do, it ain't a bad gig.

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A5: An electronic fart machine, and yes... I did that. #butwhy #promoswork #brandxtenders

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A6: Data-driven storytelling. Storytelling will always be there, but being able to maintain your #brandstory and targeting it by data is awesome

from Twitter

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

@scoots2112 Never let a good crisis go to waste Scoots.... today's political environment, good times.

from Twitter

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

@JayBusselle That experience defined quite a bit and helped mold what we do today. Good things & people are out there so long as we are receptive. Thx for listening

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A2: after my transplant I started wearing a Pay it Forward bracelet that Charley Johnson @HandStandsPROMO gave me. I'd give them out to people I'd help out w/ gas, food, etc. w/ no pretense of being paid back. That still reminds me to look ahead always & I still give them out

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A3: I believe in paying it forward (thx to Charley Johnson I still give out Pay It Forward bracelets) & that good things do come back to you. By working locally, we have received referrals/biz just b/c of what we do - it's a passive mktg tool for us - be kind, it does come back

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A5: We pay it forward yearly with clothing to homeless and disadvantaged kids programs. We donate to local schools and non-profits for fundraising efforts, we support locally as part of our culture - the impact isn't bottom line-centric for us, it's just right.

from Twitter

@PromoKitchen A4: Easy one, I received a kidney transplant from a living angel in 2010. I had resigned the Coca-Cola acct & closed my business. In 2011, I re-opened as #Whiteboardpromos & built from scratch w/ mindset of helping others grow their #brandstory. There is good out there y'all.

from Twitter